Monday, 17 November 2014

Termites (@AKATermite) goes commercial with his music.

Here comes another versatile and talented music star.He goes by the name Termite.Born Nigerian and based in Ghana.He has dedicated his life to the course of creating of good music with carefully selected lyrics that will be pleasant to the ear.

Termite has just gone commercial with his music after several years of being on the low to record songs that will always  sound fresh and keep the dancing toes busy.

His first three singles are out and already and  gaining grounds on the street of Ghana from Accra through Koforidua to the northern part of the country.

A hardworking team in Nigeria and other parts of the continent are working tremendously to make termite's music brand a well accepted one.

We are just about dropping some hit singles by Termite so just keep your fingers crossed.The vibe is about to hit you. Follow him on Twitter:@AKTermite

#HipHopFestival:Dance performance by Hurlant Corps|Date:21st November|Time:8pm|Venue:Alliance Française Accra (@AF_Accra)

In a choreographer’s mind, the world of emotions is defined by body language. It is important to observe different styles of hip-hop, each with its energy to complement and help promote the message to get across.

This dance analyzes the behavior of man who likes to appear strong despite inner suffering that eats away his very soul.

In permanent imbalance, the two Caribbean performers use an inner strength to guide dance in front of a system that does not fail and sometimes seems intransigent.

#HipHopFestival:Dance workshop by Hurlant Corps|Date:19-21 Nov 2014|Venue:Alliance Française Accra (@AF_Accra)

David Milome created the company « Hurlant Corps » in 1996 to promote hip-hop dance in Martinique.

From 2000 he has .performed numerous shows whose success crossed the border of Caribbean to Africa as well as Europe.

Two dancers of the .company (David Milome and Kévin Marie-Jeanne) will offer an exceptional workshop on hip-hop dance (lockin’, break, poppin’) training in basic technical skills of dance with emphasis on body awareness, placement, flexibility and
some improvisation.

#HipHopFestival: Graffiti workshop with Marko93|Date:17-21 Nov 2014|Venue:Alliance Française Accra (@AF_Accra)

Marko93 is considered one of the most talented artistes of his generation.

This urban graffiter progressed in
tag and graffiti while prospecting in several related disciplines. In 1994 he invented the ‘calligraphism’ (mixture of Arabic calligraphy & graffiti), and developed the light-painting in 1999 (graffiti in 3D thanks to a
system of portable lamps).

His many travels around the world have fed his inspiration and techniques, a wonderful experience he intends to share with Hip-Hop music lovers.

Marko93 will paint the next temporary mural at Alliance Française!